A successful breeding programme requires a forward-thinking approach. After all, the breeding objectives for potatoes are constantly changing. In collaboration with our breeding partners, we work day by day out to develop new potato varieties that can compete on the domestic as well as on the international markets.
Our goals for developing new varieties have remained the same for many years:
- Expansion of the natural resistance to pests and diseases
- Improve resistance to abiotic factors such as heat, drought and saline soils
- Promote nutrient efficiency
- Increase and stabilise yields
- Improve storage suitability
- Optimise quality traits according to the target segment
On our four breeding stations in Kaltenberg (Bavaria/GERMANY), Ebstorf (Lower Saxony/GERMANY), Böhlendorf (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania/GERMANY) and Idaho Falls (USA) combinations are crossed to produce more than 1,000 new genetic variations each year. Our biotechnological centre of excellence is also responsible for basic research. The main objectives of modern potato breeding are commitment to healthy nutrition, environmentally friendly production methods, and protection of natural resources.
Our EUROPLANT varieties are classically bred using conventional breeding techniques from non-genetically modified crossing partners.
Because of our scientific competence and the comprehensive breeding expertise we have been taking a leading position in our industry for many years.
Research and Development
Adaptation and optimisation of our breeding work
Due to increased market requirements and ultimate consumer needs, our different potato varieties must undergo permanent specific application adaptations and optimisation processes. Therefore, all efforts in research and development are continuously aimed at adapting and optimising the potato varieties on offer.
Our market-oriented research, which seeks close co-operations with the industrial sector, is further anxious to develop innovative potato varieties for new areas of application.
As a member of the German Plant Breeders' Association, we are involved in collective research projects of potato breeding companies and scientific institutions. Current research subjects are dealing with pathogens of potato diseases and with the optimisation of the potato as a source of starch.