The story of the EUROPLANT potato

The roots of our success


Böhm-Nordkartoffel Agrarproduktion GmbH & Co OHG changes its name to EUROPLANT Innovation GmbH & Co. KG; in addition to Dr Justus Böhm, Jörg Eggers and Jörg Renatus take over the management Read more...

Dr Justus Böhm joins the management team at EUROPLANT Pflanzenzucht GmbH


EUROPLANT ESPAÑA Semillas S.L. founded as a sales company in Spain


EUROPLANT celebrates its 30th anniversary.


BELANA wins the Danish Grand Cru award in front of GEORGINA


From May 2020 EUROPLANT is a climate-neutral company.

Böhm-Nordkartoffel Agrarproduktion GmbH & Co OHG merges with BIOPLANT Biotechnologisches Forschungslabor GmbH


EUROPLANT takes over Straubinger Kartoffelhandels GmbH

Double success for ANNALENA: at the Potato Fair in Spissa Bela/Slovakia it takes 1st place in terms of internal and external quality and in addition it is honoured for the second time already as a regional variety and officially recommended for cultivation and consumption in the Tatra region

BERNINA is voted "Thuringian Potato of the Year" in Germany

BELLINDA is awarded "Potato Variety of the Year" in Saxony/Germany


EUROPLANT takes majority shareholders on Agricultural Innovation Centre Ltd.( LIZ) GmbH in Weißkirchen (Austria) establishing an optimal producltion basis for treatment of the EUROPLANT varieties in the local area

REGINA and OTOLIA are awarded in Croatia as the best potatoes for the traditional Croatian potato dish "Ličke pol"


EUROPLANT celebrates its 25th anniversary under the heading “25 years serving the potato – a story of success”

Takeover of the potato plant location in Eldingen/Germany

After 2015 JELLY is again awarded as the best potato in Croatia for the traditional Croatian potato dish "Ličke pol"


The EUROPLANT Group achieves an overall potato sale of 400,000 tonnes

Foundation of a representative office in Croatia

BELANA is voted to the "Thuringian potato of the year" in Germany

ANNALENA is the 1st most tasty variety at the annual Polish Potato Festival "Dary Lata -barwy jesieni" in Przysiek


Foundation of MENARINI Patate srl as a subsidiary in Italy

EUROPLANT varieties achieve three awards at the 1st Eurasian Potato Day in Belarus: BELLAROSA, VINETA and RUMBA are selected as the most attractive potato varieties

JELLY receives an award as the best potato for the Croatian national dish Ličke pol in Croatia


Foundation of AR TARIM Tohumculuk San. Ve. T c. A as a subsidiary in Turkey

LAURA is voted to the "Thuringian potato of the year" in Germany

CONCORDIA is recognised as the best cooking potato in Lithuania


VINETA receives an award as the best potato for roasting in Russia

VENEZIA wins a silver medal at the Grocer Food and Drink Awards in Great Britain


BELANA receives an award as Denmark's best potato at the Danish Food Contest

ELFE wins the renowned Quality Food Award in Great Britain


VINETA is awarded with a gold medal as Poland's most important ware potato by the Polish Ministry of Agriculture

MARABEL wins a gold medal at the Grocer Food and Drink Awards in Great Britain


Foundation of FINPOM Oy as a subsidiary in Finland


Foundation of ROS EUROPLANT ZA as a subsidiary in Russia


Establishment of a new line of business: export of ware and industrial potatoes  to 14 countries of the world


Foundation of Aardappel B.V as a subsidiary in the Netherlands

Foundation of KARMARK Int A/S as a subsidiary in Denmark and as a sales company for Denmark, the UK and Scandinavia

Takeover of the potato plant locations in Wietzendorf and Oetzen in Germany


EUROPLANT takes over the entire operational seed potato business from its shareholders

Foundation of EURO SOL Kft. as a sales company in Hungary


Foundation of EUROPLANT FRANCE sarl as a subsidiary in France

Foundation of S.C. EUROPLANT srl. as a subsidary in Romania

The company headquarter of EUROPLANT moves to Wulf-Werum-Straße 1 within Lüneburg (Germany)

Director Otto Estorf retires and Jörg Renatus takes over the EUROPLANT management together with Jörg Eggers

After 10 years, EUROPLANT exports over 20,000 tonnes seed potatoes in 33 countries of the world


Foundation of EUROPLANT Handel Ziemniakami a subsidiary in Poland (now: EUROPLANT Polska Sp. z o.o.)


Foundation of EUROPLANT šlechtitelská spol. s.r.o. as a subsidiary in the Czech Republic


Foundation of EUROPLANT šla‘chtitel‘ská spol s.r.o. as a subsidiary in Slovakia


Foundation of EUROPLANT Pflanzenzucht GmbH, headquartered in Lüneburg (Germany), as a sales company of the traditional breeding company Kartoffelzucht Böhm GmbH & Co. KG and its partners Vereinigte Saatzuchten Ebstorf-Rosche eG (now: Vereinigte Saatzuchten eG), Raiffeisen Centralheide eG and Stader Saatzucht eG

After the foundation, the EUROPLANT managing directors Jörg Eggers und Otto Estorf takes over the sales of the potato varieties from its partners first in East Germany and for various export markets


The Böhm-Nordkartoffel Agrarproduktion GbR (now: Böhm-Nordkartoffel Agrarproduktion GmbH & Co OHG) is founded by Böhm GmbH & Co. KG and Nordkartoffel Zuchtgesellschaft mbH


Böhm GmbH & Co. KG and Nordkartoffel Zuchtgesellschaft mbH founded their first subsidiary: The BIOPLANT GmbH (now: Böhm Nordkartoffel Agrarproduktion GmbH & Co. OHG)


Stader Saatzucht eG (now: Raisa eG), Saatzucht Soltau Soltau Bergen eG (now: Raiffeisen Centralheide eG) and Vereinigte Saatzuchten Ebstorf-Rosche eG (now: Vereinigte Saatzuchten eG) join their competence in the potato breeding sector and establish Nordkartoffel Zuchtgesellschaft mbH


Loss of breeding stations in Pomerania and reconstruction in West Germany on the breeding stations Groß-Bieberau and Kohlbacher Hof

Re-establishment of Kartoffelzucht Böhm with a sales office near Lüneburg


Saatzuchtgesellschaft (before: Fürstentum Lüneburg m.b.H. in Ebstorf) and Niedersächsische Saatzuchtvereinigung Ebstorf e.G.m.b.H) merge to form Vereinigte Saatzuchten Ebstorf. e.G. mbH. (now: Vereinigte Saatzuchten eG)


Foundation of the Soltau eGmbH (now: Raiffeisen Centralheide eG) cooperative, specialized in the cultivation of potato seeds.


Foundation of the seed producing cooperative Stader Saatbauverein (now: Raisa eG)


The first new breedings are attending the market: Böhms Frühe, Groß-Bieberauer Ertragsreiche and Erste des Odenwaldes


Foundation of a potato breeding station in Groß-Bierbau (Hesse) by Georg Friedrich Böhm